1. Log into your Binance account.2. On the top menu, go to [Wallet] - [Margin].3. Find the asset you want to transfer and click the [Transfer] button.

Why Is My P2P Ad Hidden
1. Certified advertisers:1.1 When there are too many outstanding orders for a single ad.1) Your buy ad will be automatically hidden when there are 8 o

How to Calculate Liquidation Price of COIN-M Futures Contracts
Below is the liquidation price formula for COIN-M Futures contractwhereWBWallet BalanceTMM1Maintenance Margin of all other contracts, excluding Contra

USDT-Margined Quarterly Contract Specification and Trading Rules
Tutorial videoUSDT-margined quarterly contracts are quoted, settled, and collateralized in USDT. USDT-margined contracts are not inverse products. Ins

Binance Leveraged Tokens FAQ
Binance Leveraged Tokens FAQ1. Are leveraged tokens cryptocurrencies?Leveraged tokens are not cryptocurrencies. Leveraged tokens are a type of financi

Binance P2P Merchant Portal FAQ
Note: Please use the latest Chrome web browser. The Merchant Portal is only available on the web (laptop) now.1. Basic settingsHow do I change my nick

How to use P2P Express zone to buy crypto/sell crypto on webpage?
With Binance P2P Express mode, users can directly place an order by entering the fiat or crypto amount and the preferred payment method. The orders ar

How to use P2P Express zone to buy crypto/sell crypto on mobile APP?
With Binance P2P Express mode, users can directly place an order by entering the fiat or crypto amount and the preferred payment method. The orders ar

Deposit and withdrawal EUR via SEPA FAQ
Binance provides various Fiat Enabled Methods and allows users to select the corresponding channels based on their currencies or regions. For EUR dep