Binance P2P has added a comment feature for you to write feedback on your trading experience. You can leave comments on your trading counterparties to help other users select P2P ads!
After you complete an order, you can rate your trading experience by clicking on the “positive” or “negative” icon.

Then you can leave comments on your trading partner. You can choose to comment anonymously so the counterparties cannot view your comments. Click on “Leave comments” to submit your comment.

You can also view comments from other users on the counterparty’s P2P profile page. Your comments matter a lot!

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I comment on any users?
You can only comment on a user when you complete a P2P order with him/her. For each user, you can only leave one comment based on your real trading experience.
2. Can I change my comments?
Yes, you can enter your order history, choose your order, and click on “Edit feedback” to update your rating and comments.

3. Can I recall or delete my comments?
Currently, you cannot recall or delete your comments once they are submitted. You can instead edit your previous comments on the order page.
4. Can an advertiser also comment on his/her trading counterparty?
5. Is it compulsory to leave comments on my trading counterparty?
No, you don’t have to comment, yet your comments will be helpful suggestions for your counterparty’s improvement as well as reference for other users.
6. What if my trading counterparty leaves a malicious comment on me?
Please reach out to CS and share proofs of the malicious intentions (chat message screenshots, comments, trade records). Our CS team will review your request and delete the comment if it is ill-intended.