Fellow Binancians,
Binance has enabled API functionality for Vanilla Options and now supports transfers of assets, setting/canceling trading orders via API.
Users can enable and manage their Vanilla Options API functionality in User Dashboard → API Management, as shown in the screenshots below.
Please refer to the full API documentation on Vanilla Options here.

Risk Warning: Before placing an options order, please ensure that you have full knowledge of our options product (for more details please refer to our FAQ) and you have adequate free margin in your Vanilla Options wallet balance to pay for the premium. When you buy in an option, all the premium you pay for the option will be a loss in the event you cannot get profit from the execution of this option; when you sell out an option, any reverse fluctuation of the market price will lead to a margin call, and your account would be liquidated if you failed to provide additional collateral in a timely manner. Market price may fluctuate from time to time, therefore there is no guarantee that the price displayed will be the exact price that you execute at. The information here should not be regarded as financial or investment advice from Binance. All trading strategies are used at your discretion and your own risk. Binance will not be liable to you for any loss that might arise from your use of Options.
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