Fellow Binancians,Binance will remove and cease trading on the following trading pairs at 2020/12/18 12:00 PM (UTC):AION/BNB, IRIS/BNB, MDT/BNB, NKN/B

Earn Up to 12% APY on DUSK and EGLD with Binance Savings
Fellow Binancians,Binance has added DUSK and EGLD to the list of supported assets on Savings, a value-added service to Binance users who hold idle dig

Binance Pool Launches 21st Phase of Dual Savings Products
Fellow Binancians,Binance Pool will launch the 21st phase of Dual Savings products on 2020/12/16 (UTC).Subscription Format: First-come, first-served b

BEL Trading Competition Has Now Concluded
Fellow Binancians,The BEL Trading Competition has now concluded. All rewards have been distributed to the winners’ accounts. Users will be able to log

BNB Vault Has Staked into Pools to Farm JUV and PSG
Fellow Binancians,We are excited to announce that BNB Vault has already staked BNB assets in farming JUV and PSG at rates of 50% and 50%, respectively

Binance Will Support the Aion (AION) u0026 Cardano (ADA) Network Upgrades u0026 Hard Forks
Fellow Binancians,Binance will support the Aion (AION) and Cardano (ADA) network upgrades & hard forks.The AION network upgrade & hard fork will comme

Binance Loans Adds Borrowable Assets CHZ, DOT, LTC and Collateral Assets DOT, USDT
Fellow Binancians,We've added CHZ, DOT and LTC as borrowable assets and DOT and USDT as collateral assets on the Binance Loans platform. There is

Physical Binance Cards Start Shipping Now
Fellow Binancians,As of today, the physical Binance Visa Cards are being shipped within the EEA region. If you are in the region, you can order your p

Snapshot Details Update for the Symbol (XYM) Airdrop Program for NEM (XEM) Holders
Fellow Binancians,When Binance performs the snapshot on users’ NEM (XEM) holdings for the Symbol (XYM) airdrop, it will only count NEM (XEM) positions